Monday, December 22, 2014

Do You Want to Put Christ Back Into Christmas?

Fr. Victor Vijay Lobo,
Sandesha, Mangalore

Dear Friends,
Important information regarding Christmas
1. Please don`t use the term 'season`s greetings during Christmas.
This term is promoted by people who do not want to take the Name of "Christ". We as Christians should not hesitate to say "Christ"mas season.
2. Its wrong to use the term 'X'mas. 'X' means unknown in mathematical terminology. But we as Christians, know that it`s birthday of Our Savior Jesus Christ. We know him. He is not unknown to us. So let`s use the term "Christ"mas properly.
3. Let`s not use the image of Santa Claus to greet on Christmas. Christmas is birthday of Jesus not of Santa. This used for the commercial benefits by Non Christians. We are Christians let`s not send greetings with Santa Image. Lets send the image of Baby Jesus in the Crib or Baby Jesus with Joseph and Mary. Let`s not be blind imitators of those who misuse it.

Please pass this information to all so that we educated everyone about the true spirit of Christmas and make this year`s Christmas, "Birthday of Jesus Christ Our Savior".

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Prayer for Deliverance from Lust/Pornography

“In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I renounce the desire to use my own body or the body of another for my pleasure or satisfaction. I renounce the spirit of lust that afflicts me. And I affirm that my only hope and comfort is in God Himself.”

Then say, “Into Your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.”

I ASKED the LORD, “O LORD, why is it that we are so troubled with genital arousal and erotic desires? Why does our sexuality have to be this difficult?”
 He replied, “No one enters My Kingdom who has not resolutely chosen the Spirit over the Flesh. Let your genitals be a constant reminder of this, in every moment, with every breath you take.”