Saturday, September 20, 2014

Precious Blood

Precious Blood Of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Oh Precious Blood Flowing freely for our sins,

Setting us free from our bondage's,
Washing us clean from fatal carnal attractions,
Showing us Your unconditional Love

Oh Love infinite, Oh Love pure,
Freeing us from tensions unknown,
Freeing us from pressures undefined,
Giving us that much needed peace of mind.

Oh Mercy beyond imagination,
Unconditionally you forgive our iniquities,
All our transgressions wiped away,
Giving us the power to sustain in our miseries.

Oh Providence unmeasurable,
Blessing us with all that we need,
Showing us to waste our life for others,
Till one day in Your presence we stand for ever and ever.

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Cross of Glory

The Cross of Glory lays ahead me,
I gaze at it with acclamation,
Its many wounds subdue my sorrow,
The Body on it fills me with Hope

The hands of the Savior on it are still,
St. Anthony of Padua Church, RAK, UAE
The legs don’t seem to move,
He was born to die I know,
The Cross of glory is my joy

I have suffered for you it reminds me,
You sins are forgiven it assures me,
We are his children it confirms me,
Heir to his throne of glory it consoles me

Have no worries I have overcome the world it tells me,
The powers of the world have no control over you it assures me,
Do good, see well and speak truth it advises me,
The Cross of Glory is my Guide

I Love you without boundaries it tells me,
Because I have paid your due it ensures me,
Oh man of little faith trust in me it urges me,
Pointing to Heaven for eternity