Saturday, November 1, 2014

Holy Spirit-Spirit of Life

Spirit of Life, flowing as Gods breath,
Filling the first man with Life,
Life is God`s gift you remind,
We are not owners of our bodies You affirm.

You came in the form of Dove on God's only Son,
Holy Spirit
Giving him the grace to carry God`s work,
You are Love between Son and Father,
The Third Person of the Holy Trinity

You came in the form of Fires of Tongue,
On the Apostles and Blessed Virgin Mary,
Filling them with courage to preach the Good News to Corners of this world,
Establishing the first Church in God`s chosen land

You guide every human being who invokes Your Name,
Our bodies are Your living temples ever dedicated to You,
Renew us and strengthen us as we move through this corrupt world,
Till one day we reach our destination as one with God our creator

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